Featuring phrases disguised within colored gradients of gouache and acrylic, Chambers’ work invites viewers into surreal and depthless landscapes.  While his art tends to exhibit an elusive, almost playful, sentiment, his concept is rooted in the creation of cryptic tableaus inspired of his emotional states and interactions with others.  Chambers’ purposefully depicts his parabolic characters in moments of contemplation in order to fuel the audience’s definition of their eventual actions and thoughts.  We welcome new work from Louisiana native and nationally-exhibited artist, Joshua Chambers’, whose “happily odd” artistic style embodies the dichotomy between man and still life. 

Check out Joshua Chambers onlineand in the gallery. 

Joshua Chambers

(still cheerful) Now Loo

Mixed Media on Panel

13 x 13 in


Joshua Chambers


Mixed Media on Panel

13 x 13 in


Joshua Chambers

(after a pause)

Mixed Media on Panel

13 x 13 in


Joshua Chambers


Mixed Media on Panel

13 x 13 in


Joshua Chambers

(softly) that is th

Mixed Media on Panel

13 x 13 in


Joshua Chambers

He is Not That Way Because He Has a Cowardly Heart, Lung, or Brain

Gouache on Paper

15 x 11 in
